Reiki Level 1 Training & Certification
This training is for everyone who wishes to explore the healing and harmonizing potential of the healing technique Reiki. No prior experience with Reiki is required in order to participate – just pure curiosity and openness!
– an international certificate
– theoretical knowledge about the technique
– practical knowledge and insight on how to implement Reiki in your life
• What is Reiki and how can it influence your live positively
• The history of Reiki and Mikao Usui
• The concept of the so called “energetic body” and its impact on the physical body
• The concept of energy centers within our body (so called chakras)
• How to balance your chakras
• The role of the sub-conscious in our health and well-being
• How to use Reiki and develop a deeper connection to yourself and others
• Practices to enhance your intuition, increase your vitality, reduce your stress and improve your health
• Many more interesting topics
During the course you will receive 4 attunements which will connect you to this incredibly healing energy. You will also witness a demonstration, which will teach you how to use Reiki on yourself and others (also animals, plants, etc).
✺ Tatiana ✺
“I did my first Reiki session with Rafail Nik and Anelia Mitova. Anelia was the one to suggest this course after our first CP session. Even after our session I was receiving guidance and counseling, just like a life coach. I’m so glad the universe send this sweet soul on my way, I learned from Anelia that the main path to a quite and clear mind, is inwards towards our inner child. By offering nourishment, and meeting child’s needs we get closer to our higher self.
From the start of the Reiki course until the very end, we had a great amount of support in understanding how to apply Reiki to our life. We were the perfect amount of people so we could practice on each other and manage to get answers to all our questions. I felt safe to share my emotions, be myself and receive the healing energy that was surrounding us. I am so freaking happy I went to this course. I met great people with warm hearts, ate a bunch of snacks, received love, and learned to charge ourselves, water, food, and others with Reiki.
Later on, we got a 21-day homework to practice Reiki on ourselves. It’s been 3-day since I was using it for my avocado sandwiches, fruit, water, tea, crystals, and myself. My life started taking a 180 degree of change, I was like wtf is happening, I got a couple rediculous synchronicities. It kick-started new events, I am moving out and I get one offer better than the other, my work schedule is falling into place how it fits me best, same with school and relationships. One of the biggest things I am most grateful for is the clarity I have at the moment since the first initiation and a newfound connection with my body, mind, and spirit.
Thank you so much for facilitating it. I’m more than grateful for the experience
P/s: BE AWARE of the amount of cuteness that’s happening during the course, it might give you a cute heart attack.”
✺ Lauri ✺
“I did my Reiki course level 1 with Rafi and Anelia and IT WAS AMAZING! I learnt a lot and the place was so cozy. I met beautiful people ”
The course is led by Rafail Nikolov and Anelia Mitova
► Rafail Nikolov is a Traditional Usui Reiki teacher. He has been taught according to the 3-level Reiki system and has been practicing it for 15 years. Gradually discovering the possibilities and potential of Reiki, a deep desire for teaching and spreading this healing technique emerged within him. Like many things in our lives, walking on this path took time, dedication and commitment, but has enriched him immensely. Reiki has improved his life in various ways and in his opinion “Reiki is a practice, which besides improving our health and well-being, also stimulates our creativity and helps us to walk our path with a sense of ease”. He continues to explore himself and other practices, through which he supports others with an open heart.
► Anelia Mitova is the founder of “Authentic Element” and “Ecstatic Dance Denmark”. She is based in Copenhagen, but works with people from all walks of life and from all corners of the globe. Her aim is to connect you to your truth! It is about gently puzzling together the different elements that comprise you as the gorgeous human being that you are. She is passionate about developing your health and well-being in a holistic way, through embracing your inner voice. We have been taught to suppress our intuition and rather follow someone else’s idea of what we are supposed to be, think, feel, eat, dress, watch… and it goes on. Her approach will not be about telling you what is the RIGHT or WRONG way, as she is well aware that there is no such thing – we are all different and there is inherent beauty in that! She yearns to connect you to your own inner guidance. You are the creator of your experience. Anelia wants to empower you to make choices which resonate with your AUTHENTIC TRUTH! She accomplishes that, by facilitating various techniques which focus on emotional integration, energy healing, shamanic ceremonies, ecstatic dancing, plant-based nutrition and others.