Alan Watts (1915-1973) was born in England and is one of the most influential philosophers. His books and lectures has inspired many people. He interpreted and popularized Eastern philosophy for a western audience. Watts started zen training in 1938 and became an Episcopal priest in 1945. In 1950 he moved to California where he joined the American Academy of Asian Studies.
We look very much forward to screening this documentary and engaging a conversation with you about Watts’ philosophy after the film.
Feel free to bring along some snacks, which we can enjoy together, while we watch the film. It is not mandatory, but it could add to the spirit of co-creation!
The event will be donation based. Donations go to cover expenditure connected with the event. Any surplus will be used for operation and maintenance of The Magic Garden.
We look forward to seeing you !
Jacob, Ekaterina, Anelia and the board of The Magic Garden